It is universally agreed that one of life's greatest pleasures is guessing the combination to a lock you are not supposed to open. In this game, as in real life, you may have to evade incoming attacks while you do this.

Behold! Arrayed along the bottom of the screen are One Thousand pips representing each possible combination of each three-digit lock. As you use your MOUSE SCROLL WHEEL (or trackpad) to cycle through guesses, your most recent entry is displayed as a blue "hero pip." This is what enemy attacks must not touch-- this is what must nimbly dodge across the numerical grid. Note that if you enter a number you have already guessed, your hero will not return there!

Cast your eyes to the progress bar at the top-- when it fills, you will have sufficiently brute forced your current lock! Sort of a reverse boss health bar, as all progress bars are. Your own health meter is the diamond icon just to the left of said bar. When the diamond is red, you'll soon be dead! Fear not, the patented Autosave System will return you to your last checkpoint if such a thing were to occur.

Good luck and happy scrolling!

Published 14 hours ago
Made withUnity

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